Grange d'Artigue

Eaux-Bonnes , Pyrénées-Atlantiques

Beautiful barn in the heart of the mountains of the Bearn

Photo de la location Grange d'Artigue
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Discover the mountain in a 5 hour drive

Hospital St-Jacques de Compostelle
Borce - Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Museums and Interpretive Centers

en bref
Histoire; Patrimoine rural. atouts majeurs
Lieu de méditation pour les pélerins de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, historique et étapes du pèlerinage.


Eaux-Bonnes - Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Lakes, Forests, Panoramas and Caves

The pass in brief ...
This pass of 1700 meters of altitude is famous for the passage of the Tour de France cyclists. Not to be missed ...
The magnificent views on the cove of Gourette, the valley of Ferrieres and the plain of the Bearn.


Sarrance - Pyrénées-Atlantiques
Museums and Interpretive Centers

Themes in brief ...
History; rural patrimony . Major assets ...
Collections of objects and costumes depicting the history of pilgrimage and worship of the Aspe valley.


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